We would like to express our deep gratitude to all of you who have been continuously supporting our campaign financially and by in-kind gifts since its launch. In the past two years of our campaign we have raised $2,125,235 in pledges, of which total payments to-date have made $1,127,256.
Although our ambitious goal for the Cathedral renovation requires considerably more funding, our clergy and lay leadership have decided to begin structural repairs to the roof and the domes next month due to their critical condition. The renovation will be carried out in three phases:
Phase 1 – repairs to the east wall and the dome, roof, masonry and chimneys (above the sanctuary)
Phase 2 – repairs of the stained-glass window and the roof on the west side (above the choir section)
Phase 3 – repairs of the central dome, roof and masonry.
The renovation with begin on the east side of the roof and the dome, the preliminary cost of repair cost being $ 989,400.