Our Building Our Faith Together, in Unity and with Gratitude capital campaign fund as of a week or so ago was at $1,912,128. We are receiving numerous donations weekly but, as anticipated, in substantially smaller amounts than we did in Phase 1. The St. Nicholas Cathedral renovation has begun with reconstruction of the stained-glass window at the front of the church. The window is being removed in sections and will be repaired off-site by stained-glass specialists. It will be reinstalled in the Spring of 2020.
We have received terrific contributions and support from Steier Group and in particular our consultant, Bridget Klosterman. Having said this, as of January 1, we are changing our contractual agreement to have Steier Group and Bridget serve as Executive Counsel to our campaign. In this role, they will serve us going forward in a limited capacity (approximately 30 hours a month) at a substantially reduced rate. We look forward to continuing to work with Bridget and the Steier team but also understand that we need to further develop our staffing and internal capabilities and create an excellent and fully operational fundraising wing of the Eparchy.