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Building Our Faith Together, 

In Unity and With Gratitude


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  • Dollars Raised - Percentage of Final Goal 71% 71%

Current Campaign Donations

Campaign Goals


Ensuring vibrant parish life throughout the Eparchy, especially in parishes and missions with limited resources, is a critical component of our Building Our Faith Together, in Unity and with Gratitude campaign. We will achieve this goal by establishing an endowment fund which will provide funds for parishes and missions in need of financial assistance. The Finance Committee, with representatives from numerous parishes throughout the Eparchy, will have oversight over the fund and make recommendations for the disbursement of funds. The $500,000 endowment fund is contingent upon successfully achieving the campaign goal in its entirety.


To preserve the structural integrity and the historical and religious significance of our 112-year-old Cathedral, we need to address its pressing restoration needs. The Renovation Committee, in consultation with the Pastoral and Finance Councils, architects, engineers and contractors, has thoroughly assessed the structural needs of the Cathedral. They are now focused on the most serious issues, which includes stabilizing the domes; repairing the roof and replacing damaged roofing tiles; repairing water-damaged ceilings, walls, and stained-glass windows; and addressing other selected aesthetic repairs. We are in the process of prioritizing all renovation needs and developing a construction schedule that is phased to address the most serious structural issues as early as possible and to minimize costs.

Development of Eparchial Resources


Our goal is to establish a fund to augment the Eparchy’s annual operating budget and provide a consistent source of revenue to secure the long-term viability of our Eparchy. The fund will support Eparchial administration and operations, enhance communication throughout the Eparchy, support our priests’ retirement, expand our programs and extend our outreach to charitable organizations and the poor. 

Current Campaign Status 

Naming Opportunities for Stained-glass Windows

Naming Opportunities for Stained-glass Windows

Please read the brochure below detailing the NOP program’s benefits and showcasing each exquisite window now available for sponsorship. Your participation in this program will not only contribute to the completion of the Cathedral restoration but will also leave a lasting legacy in honor of your loved ones.

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Capital Campaign Report 2022-2023

Capital Campaign Report 2022-2023

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Campaign Milestones

May 12, 2019

Phase 1

St. Nicholas Parish

St. Nicholas Parish

The campaign was initiated at St. Nicholas Cathedral Parish on May 12, 2019, Mother’s Day, to underscore the importance of the Cathedral as the “Mother Church” of the Ukrainian American community in Chicago and of the whole St. Nicholas Eparchy. It was also initiated at St. Nicholas parish because we know a large proportion of the campaign funds will be used to address the restoration needs of St. Nicholas Cathedral, particularly the cupolas and roof. The campaign at St. Nicholas parish, in a relatively short time, yielded pledges of nearly $2 million toward our $3.65 million goal.

October 6, 2019

Phase 2

Remaining Chicago-area Parishes were included into the campaign.


Chicago-area Parishes

  • Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Byzantine Catholic Church

  • Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church

  • St. Joseph Ukrainian Catholic Church

  • St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church

  • Sts. Volodymyr and Olha Ukrainian Catholic Church


Phase 3

All Parishes of St Nicholas Eparchy

Case Statement PDF